Course Overview

This 2-day workshop is designed to empower participants with essential data literacy skills, emphasizing critical thinking about data, statistics, and information. The training will provide hands-on experience with Looker Studio, a powerful data visualization and exploration tool, to enhance participants’ ability to derive insights from data without incurring much cost.

Course Objectives

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of data literacy in decision-making.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate and interpret data.
  • Navigate and use Looker Studio for data exploration and visualization.
  • Communicate insights effectively using data visualizations.
  • Analyze and interpret real-world data sets relevant to their domain.

Course Outcome

Participants will leave the workshop with enhanced data literacy skills, the ability to critically evaluate data, and proficiency in using Looker Studio for effective data exploration and visualization.

Course Outlines

Session 1: Introduction to Data Literacy

  • Definition and importance of data literacy.
  • The role of data in decision-making.

Session 2: Critical Thinking in Data Analysis

  • Recognizing biases in data.
  • Strategies for critically evaluating data sources and methodology.

Session 3: Introduction to Looker Studio

  • Overview of Looker Studio features and capabilities.
  • Navigating the Looker interface.

Session 4: Data Exploration in Looker Studio

  • Hands-on exercises exploring and filtering data in Looker Studio.
  • Building basic visualizations.

Session 5: Group Activity: Interpreting Data Scenarios

  • Participants work in groups to analyze and interpret provided data scenarios.
  • Group presentations and discussions.

Session 6: Advanced Visualization Techniques

  • Creating more complex visualizations in Looker Studio.
  • Best practices for visualizing data.

Session 7: Storytelling with Data

  • Communicating insights effectively through data storytelling.
  • Practical tips for creating compelling narratives.

Session 8: Looker Studio for Decision Support

  • Using Looker Studio for decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Incorporating data insights into business processes.

Session 9: Real-world Data Analysis

  • Analyzing industry-specific or participant-provided data sets.
  • Hands-on exercises with Looker Studio.

Session 10: Case Studies and Wrap-up

  • Review of real-world case studies showcasing the application of data literacy and Looker Studio.
  • Individual and group reflection on key takeaways.


2 Days

Delivery Methodology

  • Interactive classroom discussion.
  • Group discussion on the impact of data-driven decisions in various domains.
  • Activities focused on applying critical thinking to data interpretation.
  • Guided walkthrough in connecting to a sample data source.
  • Hands-on practice on creating interactive dashboards an custom reports.
  • Role-play exercise on presenting data findings to different audiences.
  • Group project on analyzing a real-world data set relevant to participants’ domains.

For more information, please contact:

Data Literacy Training with Looker Studio


19-20 June 2024, 1-2 July 2024, 19-20 Aug 2024, 2-4 Sept 2024, 3-4 Oct 2024, 25-26 Nov 2024, 4-5 Dec 2024

  • All the programmes can be conducted in house.
  • For SEO programme (inhouse only) they will be given a free six-month SEO package worth MYR 9,000

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