Course Contents

Day 1: Understanding Smart Farming Fundamentals

Morning Session: Introduction to Smart Farming

  • Overview of smart farming: Concepts and benefits.
  • Importance of IoT and fertigation systems.
  • Introduction to hydroponics farming: Techniques and advantages.

Afternoon Session: Fundamentals of IoT in Farming

  • Understanding farming sector challenges: Current issues and solutions.
  • Exploring competing standards for IoT in agriculture.
  • Hands-on: Setting up basic software and hardware for physical computing.

Day 2: Designing and Building Smart Farming Systems

Morning Session: Smart Farming Control System

  • Introduction to programming flowchart and logic.
  • Design and construction of prototype smart farming control systems.
  • Comprehensive study of different types of fertilizers and their applications.

Afternoon Session: Implementing Smart Farming Technologies

  • Practical session on programming logic and conditions.
  • Setting up farming models and mini systems for experimentation.
  • Optimization techniques: Mixing AB fertilizers for maximum efficiency.

Day 3: Integration and Final Projects

Morning Session: Implementing IoT in Farming

  • Setting up IoT gateways and cloud-based systems for farming.
  • Real-time sensor data visualization techniques for informed decision-making.
  • Importance of documentation: Video and photography for project records.

Afternoon Session: Group Final Projects

  • Team collaboration on mini-prototype projects integrating IoT into farming.
  • Problem-solving exercises addressing real-world farming challenges.
  • Presentation of group projects with peer feedback and course review.


For more information, please contact:

Smart Farming Essentials: Harnessing IOT For Agricultural Success

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